Four ways to watch the City Council Meeting about the Medical Marijuana issue
On Wednesday, March 28th more than 60 citizens attended the City Council meeting to give their opinions about a medical marijuana agenda item. The Council voted to approve regulating marijuana and cultivation but rejected any dispensaries. You can watch this meeting from the comfort of you own home on your computer or tablet or even on the road via your smart phone.
There are four different ways to watch Oceanside City Council Meetings on KOCT:
- Watch the meetings Live by watching on Cox Cable in Oceanside on Channel 19 whenever a Oceanside City Council meeting is scheduled. In general the City has Council meeting on the 1st and 3rd Wednesday of every month at 5 pm. KOCT is also carried County-wide on AT&T’s U-Verse service, channel 99.
- KOCT Streams the City Council meetings ‘live’ anytime the Council has a meeting. Simply go to KOCT.ORG and click on the ‘Live Stream -Channel 19” button
- Watch Replays of the Oceanside City Council meetings via Cox Cable or AT&T on the Thursday after every meeting at 5 pm, Friday at 5 pm, Saturday at 11 am or Sunday at 5pm.
- Watch Replays of the Oceanside City Council meeting by going to KOCT.ORG: Videos: City of Oceanside: City Council Meetings
Additionally the City of Oceanside replays every one of their meetings—Go to the City of Oceanside’s YouTube Channel to watch the latest, past meetings or city informational videos.