Remembering Melba Bishop on KOCT

Melba Bishop was one of the councilmembers leading the city when I began my career at KOCT. A lot was accomplished during her tenure in Oceanside including the start of downtown redevelopment, the completion of the Civic Center and the building of the College Blvd bridge that spans the San Luis Rey River. Her ‘battles’ with Mayor Larry Bagley were legendary and I would tease them both about the huge increase in KOCT’s television ratings thanks to some of those contentious agenda items.

We are playing a number of programs featuring Melba Bishop on KOCT’s Channel 19-The Government Channel:

The programs with Melba Bishop that we are showing this month are Senior Scene, One on One, and a short Newsbrief about the opening of Melba Bishop Park. The Newsbrief will be interspersed throughout the schedule because it is only 6 minutes in length.

Senior Scene playouts: [All Channel 19]
Tue        2/10       2:30PM
Thu        2/12       2:30PM
Sun        2/15       3:00PM
Tue        2/17       6:00PM
Tue        2/24       2:30PM
Thu        2/26       2:30PM
Sun        3/01       3:00PM

One on One (3 part series – each 30min.)

All parts shown together as one 90 minute block:
Fri           2/06       8:00-9:30PM
Sat          2/07       7:30-9:00AM
Fri           2/20       3:30-5:00PM
Wed        2/25       8:00-9:30PM
Thu         2/26       4:00-5:30PM

An easy way to watch all three programs is to go to KOCT.ORG and click on VOD (Video On Demand) and then click the Specials button. You can watch all three Melba Bishop programs on your computer, smart phone or tablet.

Tom ReeserComment