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A weekly blog from Tom Reeser, KOCT’s Executive Director

Dick Lyon, the former Mayor of Oceanside passed away last weekend. Mayor Lyon led an amazing life and was deeply involved in his community. The best way to learn about this talented man might be to hear about his remarkable life in his own words.

Photo Courtesy of Navy Times

In 2006 Mayor Lyon was interviewed by KOCT’s Tim Aldrich in a two-part series called “One on One”.  Starting Monday, February 13th through the rest of the month on KOCT’s Channel 18 we’ll be replaying these programs:

“One on One” – DICK LYON PART 1

M/W/F – 5AM, 5:30PM, 8:30PM

“One on One” – DICK LYON PART 2

T/TH - 5AM, 5:30PM, 8:30PM

“One on One” – DICK LYON PART 1 & 2 (back to back)

SAT/SUN – 8:00AM & 6:00PM

Or if you want to watch these interviews right now on your Smart Phone, Computer or Tablet got to KOCT.ORG and Click Video on Demand: History Stories

Or click on these links: 

Video On Demand Part 1/   

VOD Part 2

I often bumped into Mayor Lyon when I was surfing or bodyboarding in front of his house. When he was in his 70’s I would often see him returning from an Ocean swim from far out past the pier.  He was one of a kind and will be missed.

Elaine Swan has been the vivacious host of KOCT’s Oceanside Spectrum for many years as well as a successful entrepreneur. As The Etiquette Lady she as appeared on ABC, NBC, CBS and written in national magazines. Get ready to see her in the new FOX survival series Kicking and Screaming

Thursday March 9th at 9pm. Congratulations Elaine—out of the comfort of the KOCT studios and into the Jungle. Will she survive? (we hope so)

L-R- Journalist Roundtable Host Kent Davy,  KPBS’s Alison St. John, San Diego Union-Tribune North County Editor Melanie Marshall and JRT Producer Tom Reeser just prior to our Feb 2nd ‘live’ show.

KOCT’s Journalist Roundtable had a diverse guest and topic list for our February 2nd “live” television program that will be airing throughout the month of February on KOCT’s Channel 18. (click HERE for program schedule)

Joining the Roundtable Journalists Kent Davy and Allison St. John for the first time was the North County Editor for the San Diego Union-Tribune, Melanie Marshall. 

Our first guest was Irma Cota, President and CEO of North County Health Services President since 1997.  We discussed the impact on health services over the past 8 years of the Affordable Care Act and the potential impact on healthcare with the probable demise of the national healthcare plan. 

Our second guest was Thomas Arnold, a veteran San Diego Journalist whose written for San Diego Union-Tribune, the North County Times and other local papers and magazines. We discussed the results of the recent North San Diego County elections.

Our last two guests explored the topic “How does San Diego County Grow?” 

Representing the perspective of real estate specialists with a perspective on recent land use conflicts was Nathan Moeder, of the London Group.

Representing rural community residents was Sandra Farrell, a member of the Twin Oaks Valley Community Sponsor Group.

You can watch this episode of Journalist Roundtable on your Smart Phone, Tablet or Computer by going to KOCT Video On Demand.

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