Posts tagged voice of oceanside
Voice of Oceanside
The Voice of Oceanside probably holds the record for the longest-running talk show in North County. It was started by our first volunteer host, Tim Aldrich and the founder of KOCT, Bob Bowditch, in 1988.

We have had hundreds of shows since then featuring State Senators, US Congressmen (Including Randy “Duke” Cunningham!), Mayors and Councilmembers. The show has tackled controversial community topics like rent control, city charters and major land use developments.

Last Thursday we had a full-television production crew in for an entire day to film the start of a new season of the Voice of Oceanside. Our long-time host, John Bonosoro had a series of informative conversations with an impressive line-up of guests.

Duane Coleman, Superintendent of Oceanside Unified School District

This was Dr. Coleman’s first time on the KOCT Voice set and it was very informative. The new school Superintendent of Oceanside Unified School District, is a graduate of Oceanside High School and we learned a little about his journey and educational background. He brought a short video about Oceanside Promise and how it will help our graduating students no matter what path they choose, be it the vocational arts or a college degree.

Councilmember Jack Feller

Councilmember Feller has been a frequent guest on the Voice of Oceanside –he has been an elected official since 2000. We asked Councilmember Feller about the many changes brought on by the last election. Councilmember Feller gave viewers his thoughts about the resignation of City Manager Steve Jepson and what Mr. Feller will be looking for in the national search for a new city manager.

Fire Chief Darryl Hebert

Fire Chief Darryl Hebert  spoke with John about his staffing issues, concerns, the many fires the department has faced over the past few months and also brought a short video about a new program called Military in Transition.

Police Lt. Leonard Cosby

This was Police Lt. Cosby’s first time on KOCT even though he has been a police officer in Oceanside since 1986. Lt Cosby is the manager of OPD’s Neighborhood Policing Team, School Resource Officer and Senior Volunteers. He discussed community oriented policing which has been a successful problem solving approach to the lowering of crime rates in Oceanside.

Councilmember Jerry Kern

Councilmember Kern has served the community since first elected to city council in 2006. As a Voice veteran, Councilmember Kern has been quoted as saying ‘elections have consequences ‘and our host asked Jerry about the consequences of having a new council majority. He also gave his perspective on the proposed new swimming pool complex and the search for a new City Manager.

KOCT will record additional Voice of Oceanside programs in April with Mayor Wood, Councilmember Sanchez and new Councilmember Chuck Lowery. Once these shows are edited we will play the entire City Council series beginning in May.

These programs are a great way to ‘stay connected’ with your elected officials—watch for our new season of the Voice of Oceanside.
Christmas at KOCT
KOCT turned 30 in 2014 and one of the great perks you’ll note this time of year is a bountiful mix of Christmas programs.

Peter Bonscher, KOCT’s Program Scheduler, has pulled some great classic KOCT programs from yesteryear that will get you in an Oceanside Christmas frame of mind—including music from the San Luis Rey Chorale, Oceanside Harbor Parade of Lights, North Coastal Symphony, La Hacienda Holiday, Carlsbad Library Hour Harmony Ringers and Radio Christmas Carol to name just a few. We’ll also replay a past Children’s Christmas Parade too:

Brian Graham, Jim Schroeder and Donald Sinatra

KOCT used to cover TWO major parades every year, the Fourth of July Parade (Freedom Days),  and the annual Children’s Christmas Parade. Due to budget cuts the last Children’s Christmas Parade was 12 years ago in 2002. I’m not a big parade fan but I’ve probably watched many more parades (and City Council meetings) than the average bear because of my great job at KOCT. One of the things I DID like about the Christmas Parade was the marching high school bands that the parade attracted. Few bands play for the Freedom Day Parade because of the summer vacation. However the Annual Children’s Christmas Parade always included high school marching bands and many spectators-parents and grandparents watching their teens marching in the parade.

Brian Graham & Jim Schroeder

We usually left the KOCT station in the dark to begin setting up for the parade and my crew wore festive Christmas Hats not only to celebrate the season—but to keep warm too. I miss this annual tradition but at least I still have the Freedom Day Parade (and City Council meetings) to enjoy.

November 1992 Voice with Mayor Larry Bagley

One final Christmas Reminder: You can warm yourself by the glow of your big screen television and our burning Yule Log both on Christmas Eve and Christmas morning. And you can watch Classic Movies (my daughters called those black and white movies ‘the gray movies’) on Christmas day on KOCT’ Channel 18. Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays from KOCT!
Election Programming and KOCT FUNdraiser
In the beginning KOCT began covering candidate forums and ballot proposition with volunteers because KOCT Founder Bob Bowditch felt it was a service to our community. You might say KOCT’s independent status was born out of election programming because that was the impetus for KOCT to become a 501 3 c non-profit over 30 years ago. 

When the City of Oceanside provided general fund support for KOCT they included in our contract of needed services election programs, but then in 2011 cut all of KOCT’s general fund dollars and the requirement to produce election programs.

However KOCT’s staff and volunteer Board of Directors felt, like Founder Bob Bowditch, that this was an important service to our community and that is why in 2014 KOCT continues to produce more local election programming than any television station in San Diego County !

How can we continue to produce programs about City Council, MiraCosta College, Oceanside School District and Hospital candidates?  Because of community support for KOCT and events like our upcoming 13th Annual Outback FUNdraiser!

Without this FUNdraiser, grants and production income KOCT would not have the staff or resources to produce informative Election programs. So help us out and attend this years FUNdraiser.

The event will be at the Outback Steakhouse in Oceanside on Thursday, October 23rd with seating’s at 11:30 am and 1:00 pm. There will also be an opportunity drawing and silent auction.
If you can’t attend you can still support KOCT by sponsoring an active duty military family in our “meals for military” program on Saturday, October 25th.
Tickets are only $20 for adults and $10 for children 10 and under.

For more information or to purchase tickets contact any member of the KOCT Board of Directors or call KOCT at 722-4433!

Support KOCT election programming, an informed electorate and our local military families by attending this years 13th annual Outback Steakhouse because KOCT is Your Community Channel!

Community Connection - Week Three of our Throwback Edition
Continuing the Community Connections Throw Back Edition to celebrate KOCT's 30 years of service to our north county community!

We have another election in November of this year so it’s appropriate & fun to look back to past elections. Here, in 2002, are the candidates for Mayor of Oceanside on the Voice of Oceanside. Left is incumbent Jim Wood, Host Tim Aldrich, an unknown candidate and Rocky Chavez—then a City Councilmember and now a state Assemblyman, 76th District.

Talk about a lot of candidates for City Council! Too many to name but standing is the former host of the Senior Scene, Dick Johnson,  and it looks like the Flag Man, Alex Kapitanski, provided the set decoration.
Late 90’s?

One of our most popular shows in the late 90’s and early 2000’s was Lawyers on the Line by the North County Bar Association. Viewers could call in with general legal questions and the show featured some of the many talented Lawyers and Judges in North County tackling a variety of legal issues & topics.

HealthCare Matters (Top) was a health program KOCT produced that was hosted by radio personality, Meg Banta who now teaches Radio at Palomar College. KOCT’s Inside Oceanside, below, was a video magazine about Oceanside that was initially hosted by their Public Information Officer, Don Williamson and Camp Pendleton’s Amy Forsythe. Amy later served numerous tours in Iraq and Afghanistan and continues to enjoy a varied communications career in the US Navy. 

Upcoming Voice of Oceanside
KOCT has been very busy with the production of four Voice of Oceanside programs. Watch for these programs in the coming months on KOCT:

Matthew Tucker, Executive Director
North County Transit District and Host John Bonosoro

Daryl Hebert, Fire Chief
City of Oceanside and Host John Bonosoro

Rosemarie Chora, Water Utility Division Manager,
City of Oceanside and Host John Bonosoro

Frank McCoy, Police Chief,

City of Oceanside