North County Talks: Faith and the Common Good

This week we recorded the premier show of a new North County Talks series.   The program titled Faith and the Common Good is hosted by the Rev. T. S. Harris.  

North Coast United Methodist Church in Oceanside is producing the new talk show series  that seeks to provide an opportunity for the faith community in our area to dialog with the larger community about issues and concerns that effect us all. Issues will be discussed from a faith perspective. Over the next twelve months the program will consider how the faith community makes a difference in improving the quality of life in Oceanside and surrounding communities.

Here are some pictures of yesterday's guests:
Our first guest Felix Berry, local Restaurant Owner (Felix's BBQ with Soul) and
Our Host  Rev. T. S. Harris.  (right)

Rev T.S Harris(right) with Carolyn Theiss-Aird (2012-2013 Past Church Moderator Pilgrim United Church of Christ)
and Rev Dr Jonathan Mitchell, Pastor of the SwedenBorgian Church of San Diego

And let's not forget some "behind the scenes" pictures:
Addison, former intern, now staff at KOCT is our floor director
Angela works in the control room to make sure everything is ready for the shoot
Jake, studio manager, directs this episode of North County Talks
Maya is our most recent Volunteer
The view from the Control room
The program will start airing on KOCT’s channel 18 on January 21st and each Tuesday at 7 pm. It will also be available each Saturday at 10 am and 10 pm and Sunday at 12 pm as well as VOD or Video on Demand on January 21st, 2014. 

KOCT is excited about this new partnership and programming and a new program will premiere each month.

Oceanside Talks/ North County Talks is an innovative community television series that allows local non-profits, individuals and other community members to produce their own talk show at an affordable price. (Businesses can also take advantage of this offer but the programs cannot be shown on KOCT because we are a non-commercial television station.) These programs will be shown on KOCT during weekends on the month following the production. Each program would also be available on demand via

Oceanside/North County Talks  was created to encourage community programming and will help KOCT to generate income to augment our part-time staffing and produce more grass-roots programming. Click here to find pricing and other information.